Dynamics 365 Managed Services Support: Internal vs External

January 24, 2019
Why would you use an outsourced Microsoft Dynamics consulting firm to manage your Microsoft Dynamics applications, rather than hire IT staff to do the work internally? Isn’t outsourcing support going to be much more expensive?shutterstock_1237494658

Those are questions we are frequently asked and glad to answer.

Many times, our clients have internal power users, and perhaps even have an internal resource as their first line of Dynamics application support. But they still use our MCA Advantage support offering for Dynamics application support, and here’s why:

1. Breadth of skill sets – One person cannot possibly know everything there is to know about the Microsoft Dynamics 365 application, prior project decisions, internal policies, interaction with the overall technology infrastructure and everything else that goes into supporting enterprise-wide business solutions. We use a team approach, so our clients have both functional and technical expertise available to them. We can also bring in other industry and functional specialists as needed.

2. Depth of expertise – A Microsoft Dynamics partner who supports the system every single day, like MCA Connect, can stay on top of changes in the application and the technical environment. An application support team can see trends across customers and stay on top of updates from Microsoft.

3. Hidden inefficiencies – The most expensive part of supporting your own Dynamics application is the cost of those hidden inefficiencies. You may not know that these missteps are costing you money, because you never even considered that there might be an easier, more efficient way to approach the problem. Consider these questions:

  • Do you have the Dynamics workload to keep fulltime resources 100% utilized?
  • When a problem does occur, can you pull-in additional resources, cover off-hours or multiple time zones?
  • Will you even be able to access the specialty talent needed locally? Not to mention hiring, training, outfitting, and managing the team.
  • Will your organization rest on one or two key individuals or have accountability from an entire professional services organization? Allow MCA Connect to run your cost center as a profit center. This is our business and we’ve been doing this with our dedicated teams for years within different industries, leveraging industry best practices all the while providing our customers with a known predictable cost. No surprises.

4. Less downtime – Managing your system regularly and proactively means less emergencies and less downtime. We can schedule updates during slow periods to minimize disruption to the business.

5. Less frustration – Few things are more frustrating than technology that’s not working correctly. Employees appreciate having an expert to turn to when the system isn’t operating properly. In an ideal world, customers would never be impacted by system issues. By having an outsourced service team available to you, you take an extra step toward increasing customer satisfaction and improving employee morale.

Overall, our MCA Advantage service is a strategic Microsoft Dynamics support offering, designed for companies who want a step-up from traditional managed services. With our approach, your organization will have access to our team of dedicated, strategic application experts, who will help you:

  • Optimize your Microsoft environment
  • Improve your performance metrics
  • Stabilize your IT budget
  • Extend your support resources
  • Explore different approaches and technologies

The result? Improved business operations and technology that give organizations a competitive edge. Contact us to learn if your organization could benefit from outsourcing support to the MCA Advantage team.

Author: Andrew Martin, Managing Director, MCA Connect Managed Services

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